Average cost for registered breeding stock is between $400-$2,000 per head depending on the area and availability. Occasionally a breeder will sell an animal for less if you are purchasing a package deal.
Goats with champion pedigrees or milk production records may bring higher prices.
Pet quality stock often costs much less with wethers, neutered males, generally available for $50 to $100.
It is best to contact several breeders in your area and view their herds
before making your first purchases.
That being said, the first goats purchased are usually based on emotion, not logic. Where all criteria previously set for conformation, milk production and structure was thrown out the window. That is truly acceptable and seasoned breeders often fall prey to those cute little critters we all love so well.
Take heart, once you get hooked, there will be others as 'you can't have just one'.